PYI Back to School Savings! 📚
Save an additional $300 on our signature 5-Star Yoga Alliance Training through Sept 20th with code: BTS300
Become a Certified Yoga Instructor With Our 300-Hour Training
Earn your 300-Hour Yoga Teacher Certification Online!
- and simultaneously earn credits towards your
Yoga Therapist Certification at PYI.
Experience Advanced Therapeutic Yoga Teacher Training
Earn your 300 hour Yoga Alliance Certification in a supportive online community.
Our signature modules include:
Live group learning with guest doctors and leading yoga pros
Self-study hours for scheduling flexibility
Optional in-person hours in NYC
Therapeutic and vinyasa skills
"Care for the caregiver" elements to restore your energy while enhancing your teaching skills
Unlike other online RYT500 trainings, you simultaneously earn credits towards your Yoga Therapy Certification!
Take Modules in any order*
Please see our 2024 cohort dates below!
100-hour Course April 27 - May 19, 2024*
*with additional "study anytime" hours
with Dana Slamp C-IAYT, Alison Cramer, Julia Abramova C-IAYT and our Yoga Therapist Faculty
Use Āyurveda to apply the techniques of yoga in a precise and empowering way. Cultivate a healthy Āyurvedic self care routine, and consider the Ayurvedic approach to food, the senses, sleep, and self care.
Learn to teach seasonally to promote better adaptability in your students. Refine your sequencing for all levels of classes - exploring how a sequence, communication style and more can be crafted for individual and seasonal needs.
Explore the nexus of Ayurveda and yogic philosophy, comparing yogic psychology with prevailing mental wellness theories. Consider yoga and wellness through the esoteric energetic anatomy lenses - including the chakras, the koshas and the vayus.
Continue to develop your one-on-one teaching skills, personalizing your sequencing and protocol within the context of Ayurvedic thought.
In this course, we will explore:
- How to use Āyurveda to apply the techniques of yoga in a precise and empowering way.
- Teaching seasonally for better adaptability in your students
- Sequencing for all levels of classes, times of year, and times of day
- Refining your teaching for private clients and therapeutic students to specifically improve mind/body balance
- Approach food, sleep and more with a personal, balanced and contemplative perspective
- Compare classical yogic psychology with leading Western theories
- Explore the applications of classical energetic alignment theories - sequencing for the chakras, vayus, and more
- Adapting asana, prānāyāma, and meditation for signs of anxiety and depression
Improving your business and listening skills in private yoga practice
Using the paradigm of Āyurveda as an intuitive, effective and efficient tool in your teaching practice.
- Care for the Caregiver focus: Abhyanga and dinacharya (Āyurvedic self care practicess
100 hour Course Oct 6-27, 2024*
* with additional "study anytime" hours
with Dr. Chris Walling, Dr. Loren Fishman, Dana Slamp C-IAYT, Karen Nourizadeh C-IAYT, and our expert yoga therapy faculty
Learn how the movement and meditation techniques of yoga can powerfully complement Western medical care. Practice evidence-based mindfulness meditations, Yoga Nidra, and breathing skills that can be incorporated into conventional treatment models for behavioral medicine and chronic disease management. Learn the applications of āsana - the yoga poses - to alleviate pain and imbalance. Apply proven, peer coaching techniques to overcome client resistance in promoting healthy choices in health and wellness practices.
Guest medical faculty will present cutting-edge findings on how yoga addresses mental and physical imbalances, including:
Chronic pain
PTSD and trauma
Shoulder issues
- Hip issues
Burnout / Stress Management
Auto-immune disorders
- The fundamentals of Contemporary Yoga Research, including:
- Developing successful motivational coaching skills with your client
- Meditation, breath, and Heart Rate Variability
- The personal, transformational journey of the yoga professional
- And more
Learn Yoga Nidra, postures and movement, mindfulness exercises, breathing exercises, and coaching techniques to make yoga accessible and useful, even when a condition is present, such as:
- PTSD and trauma
- A cancer diagnosis
- Anxiety/Depression
- Stress management
- A previous cardiac event
- Chronic Pain
- Chronic Disease management
Care for the Caregiver focus: Yoga Nidra
100-hour Course Feb 2025*
*with additional "study anytime" hours
with Jon Witt C-IAYT, Dana Slamp C-IAYT, Dr. Loren Fishman, Amanbir Singh LAcc, Brittany Simone RYT500, and PYI's Yoga Therapist Faculty
Explore how yoga can significantly support health and wellness. Learn the science and physiology behind the "down-regulating" aspects of yoga: Restorative yoga, āsana for all bodies, meditation, slow flow, prānāyāma and more. "Scan" the body to improve functional alignment, to alter postures when in recovery, and to practice mindfully as you age.
Modify your practice and teaching mindfully in chair yoga, at the wall, and with props. Learn accessible, evidence-informed techniques to manage anxiety and depression, as well as how to adjust teaching and practice for accessibility during injury recovery or disease management.
Prema Yoga Therapeutics Essentials prepares you to teach effectively for all bodies - and to support your clients' health and wellness with intelligent and accessible therapeutic yoga.
In this course, we will explore:
- Making Yoga Accessible for All Bodies
- Prānāyāma, Yoga Sutras philosophy, and Meditation
- Restorative Yoga Essentials
- Slow Flow Essentials and physiology
- Introduction to Āyurveda
- Chair Yoga
- Using Equipment in Yoga
- Crafting effective classes for beginners
- Systemic racism in wellness, and how to support more inclusive wellness spaces
- 15+ hours of applied anatomy & physiology
- Yoga for Back Care
- The essentials of person-based one-on-on yoga
- Care for the Caregiver focus: Restorative yoga and acupressure